Agribusiness Incubation

Agribusiness incubation has emerged as a critical tool that is used to create competitive agribusinesses in Africa and to accelerate the development of the continent's agricultural sector. ASNAPP/AIL is implementing two incubation programs christened Productivity Enhancement for Vegetable Value Chain Actors (PEWA) for the Vegetable subsector and the Entrepreneurship for Commercial Seed Incubation Business (ECOSIB) for the seed sector.


The Programs seek to provide business consulting services to the seed and vegetable subsector businesses in Ghana by maximizing their chance of business viability and success, in order to grow in their industry. The Incubator Program helps new and existing agribusinesses take their company to the next level through our varied business experience, proven methodologies, and access to resources that address the needs of agribusinesses. With the capacity of hosting 20 incubatees at its training site, PEWA is incubating 10 young graduates whilst ECOSIB is targeting 100 seed entrepreneurs in five selected value chains and providing coaching and mentoring services on their business premises. Each agribusiness firm/start up is incubated for a period of four to sixteen months and graduated after incubated improvement is observed in business operations and could survive with, little or no support. During the final stage of incubation, firms/start-ups are exposed to financing options available to boost their operations.