Excellence in Higher Education for Liberian Development-(EHELD)

The Excellence in Higher Education for Liberian Project was a five -year project which sought to sustain positive institutional development by improving the country’s educational, skills, and labour force capacity. This was to better equip top-performing young Liberian women and men for careers within agriculture and engineering, two identified critical development sectors for Liberia.


The project’s implementing partners were, Research Triangle Institute (RTI), Cuttington University, University of Liberia, University of Michigan, and North Carolina State University.  ASNAPP/AIC served as the consortium lead on this project and performed various roles which included:

  • ASNAPP Rutgers under Rutgers University together with University of Michigan and North Carolina State University putting together a five-year Excellence in Higher Education for Liberian Development (EHELD) project to create Centers of Excellence in Engineering and in Agriculture funded by USAID.
  • ASNAPP/AIC provided in-country program management and logistics support to selected post-graduate students from Cuttington University, Liberia, and University of Liberia.
  • ASNAPP/AIC was tasked to be the Project Management Unit for Africa.
  • It involved coordinating the admission of the Liberian students to undertake Postgraduate programs in Ghana and Nigeria, securing accommodation and supporting students to secure the necessary student visa and other documentations.

The EHELD program started in 2013 and ended 2017. It involved graduate students from Liberian universities pursuing various Masters’ degree programs in Ghanaian and Nigerian universities with full sponsorship from USAID/RTI. It successfully enrolled and graduated 15 Liberian students.
