Agricultural Project Development

Agricultural Project Development

With a cumulative of over 140 years of Management Experience, AIL has designed and implemented $26m Agribusiness Projects across Africa (Ghana, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Senegal, South Africa, Zambia). It has  reached over 200,000 farmers, over 500 other value chain actors and facilitated trade over $41m. These projects have been designed to stimulate inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction in poor rural communities by improving access to productive infrastructure and services that are expected to lead to sustainable agricultural production and equitable returns. It has also tackled the lack of access to modern farming technologies experienced by the low income smallholders, youth and women in remote villages and supported private sector partners.

AIL has a team of value chain and business development experts knowledgeable in investments, private sector development, establishment of innovative sustainable public-private partnerships for both rural and peri-urban economic development. These Projects continue to significantly contribute to meeting the objectives of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) and the overall national governments’ agenda on income generation, employment creation, food security, alternate livelihood and agricultural export diversification.

These projects implemented across Africa include multiple value chain projects involving multi-stakeholders funded by USAID, AGRA, Ghana EXIM Bank, UNDP-AFIM, USDA, GIZ, ICCO, UNDP, AfDB, DANIDA and the Government of Ghana, amongst other. Most of these projects have focused on smoothing the supply chain, developing farmer capacity, enhancing quality control and quality assurance and facilitating market access. This has been a very critical gap in agro-processing in Africa and the effective design of a model for such a purpose has been a game changer in efficient management of agribusiness projects in Africa. Highlights of key projects implemented include but are not limited to:

  • USAID Partnership for Food Industry Development‐ Natural Products (PFID‐NP) programme
  • ARD-USAID Liberia Tetratech NTFP Development
  • ICCO funded Market Development and Commercialization of Non-Timber Forest Products
  • AGRA funded Smallholder Inclusive Productivity and Market Access (SIPMA)
  • UNDP funded Sahelian Onion Productivity and Market Expansion Programme (SOPMEP)
  • GEXIM funded Youth in Greenhouse Enterprise Project (YuGEP)
  • AGRA Entrepreneurship for Commercial Seed Incubation Business (ECoSIB)
  • AGRA Ghana Cassava Industrialization Partnership Project (GCIPP)
  • Tullow Ghana funded Livelihood Diversification and Support Project (Vegetables and Piggery)