Agribusiness in Sustainable Natural African Plant Products (ASNAPP)

  • African plants products
  • African plants products
  • African plants products

Agribusiness in Sustainable Natural African Plant Products (ASNAPP)

Agribusiness in Sustainable Natural African Plant Products is an International NGO established in 1999 with the aim to reduce poverty and hunger in rural communities in Africa through sustainable production, harvesting and marketing of African indigenous plant products.

ASNAPP's mandates includes networking institutional capacities; linking African indigenous plant knowledge to scientific research and technology transfer, quality control and quality assurance, product development, enterprise development and markets.


To help create and develop successful African agribusinesses in the natural products sector, providing income, employment and development, through environmentally and socially conscious sustainable production of high quality, healthful natural products for local, regional and overseas markets.


To expand economic opportunities for rural communities by using world class science, technologies, partnerships and business approaches to develop and enhance Africa's competitive advantage in the Natural Plant Products industry.

ASNAPP is registered as an NGO and not-for-profit organization in Ghana, South Africa and Zambia.

It has operations in Senegal, Rwanda and the U.S.A with satellite projects in Malawi, Mozambique, Angola and Liberia.

ASNAPP adopts a market-driven, science-based commercialization approach that translates market requirements, through research and quality assurance into products and secured orders. ASNAPP provides services and interventions to the industry along the supply chain from production to market.

It collaborates with in-country NGOs, research and academic institutions, private and public sector organizations and farmer-groups in rural communities, adopting a participatory and multi-sectorial approach to natural products development, towards economic upliftment of the rural farmer. Non-Linear Wholistic, Community Partnership and Innovation