
Income Generation and Livelihood Development Project-(IGLDP)


The €1,184,956.00 project was championed by Agri-Impact Consult (AIC) over the project period. AIC was instrumental in collecting baseline data on participating farmers for end of project evaluation, building the technical and managerial capacities of value chain actors in high value horticultural products to increase income and improve livelihoods.

Entrepreneurship for Opportunity Actualization-(EOpAct)


Entrepreneurship for Opportunity Actualization (EopAct) was a USAID funded program implemented in five African Countries (Ghana, South Africa, Zambia, Senegal and Liberia) as part of the Africa Lead II internship-based Agribusiness Leadership Program (ALP). The program sought to provide distinctive services to graduates, youth and women to build their technical, managerial and vocational capacities to fit into agricultural value chains, job markets and business opportunities capacities.