HAPPY Program


The Mastercard Foundation in partnership with Agri-Impact Limited has rolled out an ambitious and transformative program dubbed Harnessing Agricultural Productivity and Prosperity for Youth (HAPPY) to be implemented by eight Implementing Partners including NewAge Agric Solutions, National Service Scheme (NSS), Ghana Cares (MiDA), Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA), Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), TechnoServe, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and Jobberman. 

HAPPY is built on 3 intervention areas: i) increasing production and productivity within the poultry, rice, soybean, and tomato value chains, ii) promoting value addition, fostering entrepreneurship, and facilitating market development and iii) developing strategic policies and advancing youth, gender, social inclusion and voice and agency.  

The program aims to create 326,000 dignified and fulfilling jobs for youth (70% women) and persons with disability, increase food production by 190,000 tons, generate annual revenue of over $200million, and increase agricultural productivity in rice, soybean, tomato, and poultry value chains to reduce import of strategic foods by 10%.

Under HAPPY, Agri-Impact Limited is collaborating with the E-Learning Centre of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) to roll out the e-HAPPY Project. The e-HAPPY training programs seek to deepen the use of ICT, and youth-led digital solutions to transform the agri-food systems in Ghana. 

The objectives of e-HAPPY Program include;

  • Build the capacity of 100 selected youth in the use of innovative digital technological and pedagogical tools through tailor-made coaching modules.

  •  Train 500 trainers of trainers (TOT) youth to become HAPPY Program ambassadors to drive a technology-driven agribusiness ecosystem.

  • Repurpose/co-create selected content suitable for virtual environments with Agri-impact partners.

  • Create targeted, innovative online training/technology transfer modules based on identified needs along the Agri-food value chain.

  • Equip youth to use programming for integrating and programming Internet of Things (IoT) devices in agriculture while using machine learning concepts to develop models for predicting crop yields, pest outbreaks, or optimal environmental conditions based on historical data.

The Masterclass for future Agri-prenuers training seeks to build the capacity of participants in innovative digital technological and pedagogical tools. This will be a five-module course delivered using a blended approach; 70% online and 30% in-person. The training duration shall be eight weeks and will essentially thrive on using sound and modern technologies to accommodate participants’ needs and anticipated career pathways. Activities will require at least 8 hours per week depending on the participants' previous capabilities with the technologies, and exploration of the various links and resources.

Applicants must;

i. Have a first degree from a reputable tertiary institution
ii. Be a computer literate
iii. Have a personal laptop computer with 8GB RAM, and a minimum of i3 processor
iv. Have a device for internet connectivity
v. Be available for a minimum of 8 hours per week during the training and coaching sessions
vi. Have analytical and problem-solving skills, and pay attention to details

Click on the link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSen0SDLvL6d0g08pCi8W6otlpsaabJOnwMaF-vSEVGMFNcgrQ/viewform

The HAPPYtech Ambassadors training will be a trainer of trainers training to build the capacity of participants under the HAPPY program to become ambassadors in the different project hubs across Ghana. Trained participants will train other HAPPY participants to use tailor-made innovative technologies to speed up their routine agricultural activities along specific value chains. The training will cover four modules over six (6) weeks and the mode of delivery will be 70% online and 30% in-person. Training activities will require at least 8 hours per week depending on the participants' previous capabilities with the technologies, and exploration of the various links and resources.

Applicants must;

i. Be a participant in the HAPPY Program
ii. Be a computer literate
iii. Have a personal laptop computer with 8GB RAM, and a minimum of i3 processor
iv. Have a device for internet connectivity
v. Be available for a minimum of 8 hours per week during the training and coaching sessions
vi. Be willing to train other beneficiaries of the HAPPY Program

Click on the link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeBqfdT5J0jvvpUvUnQMeFPMRuE1lFUsGgjbKZvUOnVStzzTw/viewform

This certificate program in coding and front-end development seeks to build the capacity of national service trainees and existing youth enterprises/individuals to have a strong foundation for creating technology startups, developing applications, building websites, and launching digital products and services. This hands-on program will be covered in six modules facilitated in a blended mode (70% online and 30% in-person. The training duration shall be six months. Training activities will require at least 8 hours per week depending on the participants' previous capabilities with the technologies, and exploration of the various links and resources.

Applicants must;

i. Have a first degree from a reputable tertiary institution
ii. Be a computer literate
iii. Have a personal laptop computer with 8GB RAM, and a minimum of i3 processor
iv. Have a device for internet connectivity
v. Be available for a minimum of 8 hours per week during the training and coaching sessions

Click on the link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftXjEXVQGK8h1JdYO9sWCKvjXmZM31gTRWYDczy7R5UDbM1A/viewform