Agri-Impact Limited

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Agri-Impact Limited

Agri-Impact Limited (AIL) is a private agribusiness firm with rich experience in agricultural advisory services, agribusiness project development and the provision of support to agriculture and agri-business related fields. Established in 2010, AIL offers unparalleled agri-business solutions to agricultural challenges in Sub Saharan Africa.

Over the years, AIL has worked with Agro-processing firms; Universities and Research Institutions; Agri-business Investors; Inter-professional bodies and Trade Associations; Government Agencies; Farmer Based Organizations; International Organizations (USAID, GIZ, UNDP, ECOWAS, NEPAD, FARA, African Development Bank (AfDB), DANIDA, Millennium Challenge Corporation); Agri-business Value Chain Actors; Para-statal Organizations and Export Firms in over 20 Countries in Africa.

AIL provides distinctive agri-business services and cutting-edge solutions to entrepreneurs and small & medium scale enterprises to enhance productivity, increase profitability and help them gain a competitive edge in the agro-industry. AIL explores growth opportunities and provides the necessary skills, linkages and partnerships that are needed for their clients to succeed.

  • Value Chain Analysis, Studies and Training
  • Aggregation and supply of Agricultural Products
  • Agribusiness Value Chain Development
  • Market Assessment & Trade Facilitation
  • Business Management for Start-ups and SMEs
  • Business Plans and Models Development
  • Agricultural Project Development & Agribusiness Management
  • Development of Agribusiness Investment Plans
  • Livelihood Projects Design and Implementation
  • Agribusiness Incubation Development and Management for Youth Employment
  • Supply, Installation and Training in greenhouse production using intensive production technologies.
  • Agribusiness Financing
  • Mentorship, Incubation and Export Strategy Development