President visits Amantin Agro Processing Company Limited

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President visits Agro processing company

President Akufo – Addo on Tuesday September 8, 2020, visited Amantin Agro Processing Company Limited in the Bono East Region to inspect the progress of work and familiarise himself with the operations of the factory. The inspection forms part of activities of his two-day tour of the region.

President Akufo-Addo was received by Hon. Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen (Minister of Trade and Industry), Mr. Lawrence Agyinsam (CEO of GHANA EXIMBANK) as well as Mr. William Oppong-Bio, Mr. Ohene-Menyah and Mr. Peter Oppong-Bio who constitute the leadership of the facility. They took him round the operational areas and explained the processes and the extent of progress on the construction work being done. He assured them of adequate support to make their operations more effective.

Agri-Impact Consult is the lead among seven organizations implementing the AGRA funded Ghana Cassava Industrialization Partner Project (GCIPP). Under the GCIPP project, AIC as value chain facilitator strengthen the supply chain for Amantin Agro Processing Company Limited. AIC has mobilized over 25,000 smallholder cassava farmers to cultivate more than 26,000 acres for the supply of fresh cassava roots high yielding in starch. The farmers mobilized have been further organized into out-grower groups to ensure sustainable supply of cassava.

Amantin Agro Processing Company Limited is the key off-taker that would provide ready market for smallholder cassava farmers in the Bono East region. In addition to its 16,000 acres nucleus farm, an input-credit scheme facilitated by Agri-impact consult commenced this planting season. The factory is 90% complete and plans to test run in the next two to three months.

GCIPP is a market driven agricultural transformation program that aims to catalyze and sustain an inclusive agricultural transformation in Ghana to increase incomes and improve household food security through consistent supply and processing of cassava for both industrial and food uses. The program seeks to deliver inclusive multi-disciplinary intervention through a consortium of 7 partners providing markets, agro-input business solutions, market information systems and technical training and FBO strengthening.

The president praised the private sector for taking full advantage of the 1D1F initiative. Mr. Daniel Fahene Acquaye, CEO of Agri-Impact Consult serves as the 1D1F consultant to the factory which is expected to create direct and indirect job opportunities for over 500 factory workers and over 200 tractor operators. Many farmers will double their incomes and revenues because of the direct market provided by the factory.