Daniel Fahene Acquaye

Daniel Fahene Acquaye
Founder & CEO

Daniel Acquaye is an Agribusiness Development and Value Chain Expert with over 25 years’ experience in nurturing and growing agribusiness and other SMEs in Africa. He has served as consultant to several local and international institutions including the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), USAID, ECOWAS, GIZ, AGRA, ICCO (Netherlands), DANIDA, Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), African Development Bank, National and Multinational private sector agribusiness firms as well as national and overseas Universities . He has led in building the capacity of SMEs, Individual and Youth-project and enterprises, Youth Famer-Based Organizations and other Entrepreneurship programs.

These include Business Development Skills, market access, enterprise development and financing models to support the growth of start-ups and also mentor and nurture existing businesses and enterprises; especially   nurturing and coaching young people to develop relevant professional skills that earn them decent jobs, help establish enterprises and become employers

Mr. Acquaye is a serial agribusiness entrepreneur having established Agri-Impact Consult, Fresh Logistics, Entrepreneurship for Commercial Seed Incubation Business (ECoSIB), ASNAPP-Ghana and the Agri-Impact Institute for Innovation and Technology and the Young Agribusiness Entrepreneurs Club. He a founding member and former Board Member of African Agribusiness Incubator Network (AAIN) and the Executive Director of Agribusiness in Sustainable Natural African Plant Products (ASNAPP).