Productivity Enhancement for Vegetable Value Chain Actors-(PEVVA)

Poor production technologies had been identified as the key constraint to the productivity of vegetable production in Ghana. To address these challenges, there was the introduction of some technologies including greenhouses to improve productivity. However, there was inadequate technical know-how and weak value-added services to support the sector. More so, the Ministry of Agriculture lacked technical expertise in modern vegetable production technologies. 


The agricultural vocation in the country had been declining as most of the formal institutes providing vocational training in agriculture had been converted into tertiary institutes leaving a gap for hands-on training in agricultural vocational training.

There were no established innovative and technology training centers available to support service providers, youth, and entrepreneurs to upgrade their knowledge in emerging techniques in horticulture production. A recent “needs assessment” conducted by Agri-impact consult on the technical staff of the ministry of agriculture in urban and peri-urban areas showed that less than 10% have knowledge in the protected production of high value horticulture crops. This created gaps in the quality of information and extension services provided to horticulture producers and other value chain actors.

Consequently, Agri-Impact Consult led the implementation of the Productivity Enhancement for Vegetable Value Chain Actors (PEVVA) Project, with a GhanaVeg funding, to develop the skills and build the technical and business capacities of 100 vegetable SMEs, 1 Commercial Greenhouse Producer, 6 Young Graduates and 5 Technical Extension Officers, as well as 20 production Assistants of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, in high value vegetable production.

The specific objectives of this project were to:

  • Enhance knowledge and skills in greenhouse production technologies 
  • Increase production, productivity and profitability of vegetable producers and suppliers 
  • Enhance the vocational and entrepreneurial skills of young graduates in vegetables production through incubation

These outputs were achieved from the entire project implementation. These included:

  • 1 commercial producer selected for training.
  • 5 Technical Officers and 20 Greenhouse Production Assistants trained 
  • 1 commercial producer implemented a comprehensive production and packing protocols.
  • 100 AIC/Eden Tree out-growers selected for training.
  • 100 AIC/Eden Tree Out-growers increased yields by 30% and profitability by at least 20%.
  • Value chain actors linked to 2 financial institutions and Supermarkets/Aggregators.
  • 6 Incubates/start-ups selected and mentored.
  • 6 Vegetable Business Plans developed.