Agri-Impact Group - CISCM's Best Organisation for Development Economics

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Agri-Impact Group was honoured by the Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM) in their maiden awards and recognition event held on January 13, 2024 at the forecourt of the Accra International Conference Center. The recognition is significant and takes cognisance of the contribution of Agri-Impact Group to the promotion of greenhouse vegetable production and marketing in Ghana under the Youth in Greenhouse Enterprise Project (YUGEP) financed by Ghana EXIM Bank. 

The Agri-Impact Group was also recognised for its immense contribution to the development of other value chains and agribusiness projects and programs in Ghana, Africa and recently in Jamaica in the Caribbean. Special mention was also made of the company’s leading role in implementing the Harnessing Agricultural Productivity and Prosperity for Youth (HAPPY) Program in partnership with Mastercard Foundation and other 8 institutions in Ghana which seeks to create dignified and fulfilling jobs for over 320,000 young women, men and persons with disabilities in rice, soya, tomatoes and poultry value chains and reduce national imports.

The CEO of Agri-Impact Group was appreciative of the recognition given the company. This is the first time the company has been awarded by an institute with presence and reach across all facets of the economy in addition to the numerous awards chalked by the company and individual senior executives in the agribusiness space. He reiterated the importance of integrated supply chain management in agribusiness especially development, mobilization and aggregation of raw materials for the agribusiness industry and emerging factories. 

This is a key challenge for agribusiness firms and Agri-Impact is ready to partner with CISCM to address this bottleneck in agribusiness value chains. We appreciate the enormous dedication and contributions from our staff and partners in this remarkable achievement.