Prime Minister of Anguilla Visits Agri-Impact Greenhouse Cluster in Dawhenya

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Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla
Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla
Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla
Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla
Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla
Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla
Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla
Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla
Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla
Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla
Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla
Official visit of Prime Minister of Anguilla

The Prime Minister of Anguilla, Honourable Premier Ellis L. Webster and First Lady, Michelle Webster-Connor along with other notable dignitaries like the Speaker of the National Assembly, Barbara Webster-Bourne and Husband visited the Agri-Impact Greenhouse Cluster in Dawhenya during his recent visit to Ghana for the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. The visit was organized by Lady Dentaa Amoateng, the President of Guba, and her media team.

Upon arrival, the Prime Minister was welcomed by Mr. Dan Acquaye, the CEO of Agri-Impact Ltd, Juliana Asante-Dartey, Mr Abraham Sarfo and other senior staff. The Prime Minister visited the greenhouse cluster to learn about its innovative model, which supports youth employment, reduces vegetable imports, increases vegetable production and yields in Ghana, and creates jobs for young people in urban and peri-urban areas.

The Prime Minister was impressed by Agri-Impact Ltd's success and expressed interest in replicating its greenhouse model in Anguilla. This would be a positive step for Anguilla, as it would help to reduce food imports, create jobs for young people, and boost the economy.

Overall, the Prime Minister's visit to the Agri-Impact Greenhouse Cluster was a valuable opportunity to learn about a model that has the potential to promote sustainable agriculture and youth employment in Anguilla.