“Besides offering agriculture at both S.H.S and Tertiary, I never imagined myself working in the agriculture field. I was more interested in technology and believed it to be the future. However, after enhancing my skills in programming and other IT areas through online courses and bootcamps, I didn't have a clear path as to what to do with these skills.
BUT NOW I KNOW!. Now, I see that the knowledge and skills I have acquired can be used to revolutionize the traditional ways of farming. By implementing systems, tools, and automations, I can increase efficiency, productivity, and profits in agriculture. This not only benefits me in terms of generating more revenue than my hard-working mother does, but also allows me to empower others in the industry to do the same.
The seven years of studying agriculture were not wasted, Thanks to the e-HAPPY project by Mastercard Foundation, Agri-Impact Limited, and KNUST E-LEARNING CENTRE.”