Partnership for Food Industry Development ‐ Natural Products Program-(PFID‐NP)


Agribusiness in Sustainable Natural African Plant Products (ASNAPP) was a USAID co-funded program established in 1999 to help develop the natural products sector in Africa by promoting income-generating activities for rural entrepreneurs in a way that improves the livelihoods of rural communities.  The programs included herbal teas, spices, medicinal plants and plant butters which are grown, harvested and sold by rural producers globally.

Entrepreneurship for Opportunity Actualization-(EOpAct)


Entrepreneurship for Opportunity Actualization (EopAct) was a USAID funded program implemented in five African Countries (Ghana, South Africa, Zambia, Senegal and Liberia) as part of the Africa Lead II internship-based Agribusiness Leadership Program (ALP). The program sought to provide distinctive services to graduates, youth and women to build their technical, managerial and vocational capacities to fit into agricultural value chains, job markets and business opportunities capacities.

Entrepreneurship for Commercial Seed Incubation Business-(ECoSIB)


ECoSIB sought to increase availability and accessibility of superior quality seeds to smallholder farmers through scaling up volume of breeder and foundation seeds and develop a cadre of seed business entrepreneurs with the requisite skills to engage in commercial production and distribution of superior quality seeds in Ghana.