Ameya-Kyere Michael Morningstar


Before the commencement of this program i preferred the “solo player” working ethics and was so full of individualism. But the few cup games/exercises helped me to understand the importance and impact of teamwork, and collaboration. It also helped me appreciate how significant the imperatives of planning and discipline are. Team wheat planned and executed the plan accordingly and eventually the outcome was justified.  

HAPPY Program Participant

Youth in Greenhouse Enterprise Project-(YUGEP)


It is envisaged that it will help increase the volume of vegetables available and significantly close price variations due to seasonality thereby reducing agricultural contribution to inflation, and reducing import of vegetables to Ghana.

Greenhouse Production in Ghana increased from about 1ha in 2008 to about 4ha in 2015-2017 to about 23ha in 2021. Ghana EXIM (GEXIM) Bank funded Greenhouses constitute 56% of all Greenhouses in Ghana and this can reduce tomato imports by 2% using tomato import from Burkina Faso as the reference.

Entrepreneurship for Opportunity Actualization-(EOpAct)


Entrepreneurship for Opportunity Actualization (EopAct) was a USAID funded program implemented in five African Countries (Ghana, South Africa, Zambia, Senegal and Liberia) as part of the Africa Lead II internship-based Agribusiness Leadership Program (ALP). The program sought to provide distinctive services to graduates, youth and women to build their technical, managerial and vocational capacities to fit into agricultural value chains, job markets and business opportunities capacities.

Entrepreneurship for Commercial Seed Incubation Business-(ECoSIB)


ECoSIB sought to increase availability and accessibility of superior quality seeds to smallholder farmers through scaling up volume of breeder and foundation seeds and develop a cadre of seed business entrepreneurs with the requisite skills to engage in commercial production and distribution of superior quality seeds in Ghana.

Inclusive Business and Financing Models

Inclusive Business and Financing Models

AIL offers Finance-led expertise in finding and exploiting growth opportunities for wholesalers, entrepreneurs and SMEs. This is aimed at streamlining their operations and making SMEs and youth/women entrepreneurs more financially sound. AIL provides beneficiaries with financial-based decision-tools to become more credit-worthy and facilitates stronger and formal linkages with Rural and Community Banks for more sustainable access to credit.