
e-HAPPY Inauguration of First Cohort of Participants

Prof. Ewusi-Mensah

The e-HAPPY project is poised to revolutionize the agricultural sector, empowering youth with cutting-edge skills and expertise to drive growth, productivity, and prosperity. Marking a significant milestone in Ghana's agricultural transformation, the e-HAPPY project successfully launched its inaugural welcome and orientation meeting for its pioneering cohort of e-Agri-preneurs and Coding and Front-End Developers (COFED) training under the Harnessing Agricultural Prosperity and Productivity for Youth (HAPPY) Program.

HAPPY Participant Registration Form

The Mastercard Foundation in partnership with Agri-Impact Limited has rolled out an ambitious and transformative program dubbed Harnessing Agricultural Productivity and Prosperity for Youth (HAPPY) to be implemented by eight Implementing Partners including NewAge Agric Solutions, National Service Scheme (NSS), Ghana Cares (MiDA), Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA), Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), TechnoServe, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and Jobberman. 

HAPPY is built on 3 intervention areas:

e-HAPPY Program


The Mastercard Foundation in partnership with Agri-Impact Limited has rolled out an ambitious and transformative program dubbed Harnessing Agricultural Productivity and Prosperity for Youth (HAPPY) to be implemented by eight Implementing Partners including NewAge Agric Solutions, National Service Scheme (NSS), Ghana Cares (MiDA), Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA), Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), TechnoServe, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and Jobberman. 

HAPPY Program unlocks agri-enterprise opportunities for young Ghanaian women

Happy International Women's Day

Today, we salute the trailblazing women who drive progress with their resilience and wisdom. At Agri-Impact Limited, our warmest wishes go out to all women worldwide. As we rally around this year's theme, "Invest in women: Accelerate progress", we acknowledge the pivotal role of women in agriculture.

Happy Independence Day, Ghana!

Today, as we celebrate our nation's freedom, let's shine the spotlight on our incredible youth—the driving force behind our aspirations and progress.

At Agri-Impact Limited, we believe in the boundless potential of Ghanaian youth, their energy, and their unwavering optimism. With the right mindset and determination, our youth can spark remarkable transformation in agriculture and beyond. They have the power to break barriers, conquer challenges, and cultivate resilience as they pursue their dreams. 

Unlocking Sustainable Growth in the Agribusiness Sector - Collaboration, Partnerships and Investment

AIC and GEXIM joint visit to Netherlands embassy

The Africa Strategy of the Netherlands (2023 - 2032), published in May 2023, highlights an integrated vision of political and economic cooperation across Africa anchored on equality, reduce poverty, improve respect for human rights and limit irregular migration. In the next decade, the Netherlands intend to strengthen its trade partnerships, investments as well as development and humanitarian funding in all 54 countries across the continent.